Ethnic Villages

China is a united family, fifty-six ethnic groups loving each other dearly. Many ethnic villages, due to their own distinctive features, look like gems on the vast territory. Whether from the perspective of their dwellings styles or the folk customs, they all reflect their economic and social development, as well as cultural characteristics. Ethnic villages, the effective vehicle to preserving national culture, are the valuable resource for developing characteristic economy. Ethnic villages, the epitome of history and culture of ethnic groups, are the concentration of human spirits, wisdom in labour, aesthetic psychology.

Yunnan Ethnic Village

Yunnan Ethnic Village is a theme park reproducing the architectures and folklore of 25 minority ethnic groups living in Yunan Province, an epitome of ethnic groups of Yunnan. Situated at the north shore of the famous Dianchi Lake, seven kilometers from Kunming City in Yunnan Province, Yunnan Ethnic Village faces the West Hill Forest Park, Daguan Park and Zhenhe Park across the Dianchi Lake. Occupying a total area of 80 hectares, Yunnan Ethnic Village may dizzy you with diverse architectures, colorful costumes, and interesting celebrations. Apart from unique buildings, various costumes and festivals of ethnic groups, Yunnan Ethnic Village also presents you with films shown on water screen, wonderful songs and dances and Asian Elephant Show. Visitors can enjoy local foods and purchase handicrafts. Besides, all villages are well organized and each village has tour guides to explain their customs to visitors. The 25 minority ethnic groups include Bai, Yi, Dai, Miao, Jingpo, Naxi, Lagu, Zang, Wa, Hani, Lisu, Deang and so on. The most sumptuous and outstanding three are Bai Ethnic Village, Yi Ethnic Village and Dai Ethnic Village.


Yao and Zhuang Ethnic Tribes

The Longsheng scenic area is of a large mountain area, it is dotted with a variety of ethnic groups and ancient villages, the most well-known ethnic minorities there must be the Yao and Zhuang, every visitor who goes there will enjoy the locals' hospitality and their angel-like songs and shows.

Generally located on the hillsides of Longsheng, the houses of Yao people are surrounded by luxuriant forests.The Yao Village covers a large area and the building area is with large square meters. In and around the village, you will see tablet which is inscribed with the village rules, pillars and the totem of the ethinic people.


Jidao Miao Village

Located along Bala River, Jidao Miao Village is the one that with well-preserved old wooden houses and rich ethnic customs. The village is divided into Upper and Lower two parts, and there are more than 100 households living here. In Jidao Miao Village, you can walk through the hundred-year path and experience the hard work of the people; you can look at the granaries for a hundred years and think about the wisdom of the ancestors; you can also listen to the ancient songs of centuries and observe the local folk culture. This ethnic minority village is worth visiting for it is less commercialized. Having a try of the local food is suggested, and those delicacies include Miao Wang Fish (green pepper mixed fish), Fish in Sour Soup, Eight-piece Chopped Chicken and Cured Meat.
